The electronic acupuncture massage pen is powered by the battery and relies on electric current to stimulate the acupuncture points. The current flows from the tip of the product through the human body to the end of the product to form a circular flow, so the end of product will carry a slight current, which is not quality issue.
How to use the acupuncture pen:
Step 1. Wash your Hand with water And wipe dry, Use a little massage gel to wipe the massaged area
Step 2. put into one AA Battery (not included) to use, Press the button for 1-2 seconds to turn on the device, select ''+'' ''-'' mode for Adjust pulse energy intensity.
Step 3. Massage for 10-15 minutes, the medium-low energy setting for the device is 3 and 4 but if you don't feel any pulsing sensation, you can choose a higher energy level until you get a sensation.
(Warm tips : please adjust to the proper level of intensity based on different treatment need and affordable degree of pain you can tolerate)
1. Do not use the acupuncture pen if you have a pacemaker, pregnant, pulse regulator, artificial heart, serious heart condition, lungs, or other- sustaining electronic medical device.
2. If not in use for long periods of time, remove the battery. Never operate the acupuncture pen in the water.
Package Included:
1 x Meridian Energy Pen
1 x Spheroidal Type Head/1 x Dome Type Head/1 x Scrapping Type Head/1 x Tapping Type Head
1 x English User Manual